Friday, March 31, 2023

CUPdate 41: The Nays Eventure Progress

There was a lot less time between now and the previous CUPdate as there was last time, so a bit less to show this time around.

To start off, it is the end of another month, so here's my March digital sketchbook! I mostly did some sketches after reading Eventures for this one.

And not really a visual, but I finally made YouTube playlists for every single Eventure! This will make it a lot easier to read Eventures while I'm away from my desktop computer, so I can access these from anywhere.

I've also been reading some Eventures and making copy edits. I've been making good progress on those and my goal is to have them pretty much all done by halfway through this year (June if I stay on schedule). I also went through and started to track down some Beddy Bye World stuff story-wise, and ended up adding 4 Eventures in (which meant I had to renumber all of them).

And then we also started rewriting the You-Know-Who's Reign Eventure. We originally wrote part of it many years ago and it was one of our least favorites, so we scrapped it and pretty much started from scratch again. It's turning out a lot better this time and makes more sense and is integrated with the story. We didn't finish writing it, and we won't have any voice chats for another month, so we'll have to finish it next month when we meet up next.

Other than that, I've been trying to get back into things and working on some drawing and coloring for bigger projects, but nothing ready to post yet. I've been trying to work on projects more during the week, but it's been hard. I've been working on figuring out ways to do it more often, but it'll be an on-going thing for me to figure out, so we'll see if I can have more for next ones or not. Next time I'll be out of town for a lot of it, so I'm sure it'll be a smaller update then, but maybe for the one after that!

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