Friday, March 17, 2023

CUPdate 40: Digital Sketchbooks, Rogue Bird Eventure, and Notion

Wow, it's been a long time since the last CUPdate! We had a lot of in-person meeting up and other things going on over the past month, so we decided to postpone our CUPdate until after that so we could spend more time together in person. But now we're back, so I have quite a few different projects to talk about for this one.

I didn't post this last time because of the Global Game Jam, but last time I also finished my Digital Sketchbook for January. Most of it ended up being drawings from Colors Live, so it's more of a Colors Live sketch dump.

And because it's been so long since the last CUPdate, I also have the Digital Sketchbook for February! I honestly didn't draw much in February due to my recovery happening, but I was getting other non-drawing projects done throughout that time instead. I mostly drew these towards the end of the month.

I started to try and draw a bit on my cintiq again. Mostly while standing because sitting is still a little difficult for long periods of time. But I did this little digital sketch for my friend Jinny's birthday too.

And then I took a break from some of the other games, drawings, and things to work on The Nays again! While reading Eventures, I got inspired to do some drawings related, so I colored one of my drawings from my digital sketchbook of Akuma.

And then I also re-read the Kali's Mission Eventure so I drew a storyboard of one of those moments. On one of the last OONC Days, we read that Eventure together as well.

I started to read some Eventures and got really in the mood for writing more because it's been a few months. So I renamed the Blizzard Eventure to the Rogue Bird Eventure and decided to rewrite it since that was an earlier Eventure that could use a bit of work. 

In the meantime, I also updated my Notion a bit. I added weekly to-do misc tasks to the top of my calendar. These are reserved for things that I didn't really want to make a whole task for on my calendar so I could still check off boxes and keep track of things without flooding my calendar with non-project things. Most of my project things are going to stay on the calendar, but these are random other reminders and things. I'm also archiving them into a weekly task so I can check that off too for each week.

Speaking of Notion, I'm also going to have some of my longer projects have more details there than my actual blog, just because it's a lot of writing and other things that I'm not ready to post on my blog yet. Maybe I'll post them here eventually, but for now, I'm going to be leaving some of that on Notion instead.

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