Friday, April 25, 2014

4.25.14 - Zoo Class Session

We went to the zoo for our final drawing session of Cafe Sketch. It was a lot of fun, even if it was a little rainy. I spent the majority of the time in the Australia section, since those animals were super active and interesting to draw. It made me want to draw some of them a lot more than just  at the zoo. After receiving some feedback from my instructor, I was able to figure out what to focus on and improve on before the end of the semester. So I decided to focus on the motions of the animals for this session. I tried drawing through the animals and really looking a lot closer at the details and proportions.

I really missed drawing people from life, since the past few weeks we have been drawing only animals, so I decided to draw some of the people walking around the zoo towards the end.

Total Drawings: 108

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