So I’m finally closing in on the final designs and some of the assets outside of the cards. While I know I said I “finalized” the card design last time, I did end up revisiting it and I’ll show the actual (hopefully) final design in this post!
I started to think about some of the other assets like score cards for the rounds, point tiles, guessing card, etc. So I made digital sketch versions of the ones I originally concepted in my sketchbook. I downloaded some of the templates from TheGameCrafter as a starting point and then designed ideas based on some of my older sketches to start to plan those.
I started to think about the logo so I digitized a few of my concepts to start getting some colors in there. At first I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go with a red or blue color scheme, but I knew thinking one of those was likely. Red was feeling more right because of Mr Dude, but I was so used to the blue that I’ve been concepting with, so it was hard to decide. I ended up going with red in the end though. I’ve been drawing inspiration from Yoshitaka Amano logos like Romancing Saga and Final Fantasy for some of the last few designs. It feels a little busy right now but that’s kind of the direction I’m thinking about so it’s more integrated.
I decided to concept some ideas for the box art, taking a lot of inspiration from board game boxes that I enjoy. I came up with some ideas for the front and back. I want it to be very centered around Mr Dude and all of the characters fighting against CourtNay and Jesper.
I threw together a quick back for the card based on one of the logo ideas I had. The more I concept, the more I’m mixing the red, blue, and purple color schemes. So it can be Mr Dude and The Nays color schemes.
Then I started to come up with some “final” images for the extra pieces. I’m still not 100% sure if they’re final, but I’m making progress! I made the score board next. I started with flat colors then added textures to them to make them stand out more.
Then I test printed them to see how they would look on paper! I was pretty happy with how most of these came out.
I still wanted to do a few more designs for the card backs. So I threw some textures on it and played around with some filters to make some new concepts. I was leaning more towards the top-right and top middle designs below. I ended up going with the top-right because it felt most right to me.
Then I came up with some ideas for the type advantages card layout. At first I thought about swapping the red and green arrows. These didn’t end up as the final designs but were the first ones.
Then I started to finalize the design for the guessing card. I fit all of the traits on there, but I still wasn’t 100% sold on the background colors.
I printed all of those new cards out to see how they’d look printed! This photo is from before I made the final calls on some of them, but it was what helped me get to the final decision on them.
Then my friends Jinny, Hillary, and Laura helped me beta test my game! They all had fun playing it and it was really valuable to finally test with real people. It boosted my mood a lot to know that they were genuinely having fun playing it and didn’t have a lot of big notes to change from it.
So I made some slight tweaks to the card designs based on feedback and playing the game. I mainly wanted to make the type strengths pop out more so it’s easier to view at a glance, since that was the biggest struggle that we all agreed on while we were. Jinny helped me figure out the final colors (and it took about 20 slight iterations after the last time to get to final designs). I’m finally happy with these and can hopefully call them final!
I also updated the type advantages chart card since I had a misprint with some of the arrow directions. I decided to simplify it a bit so you can tell more which type is specifically strong against the other instead of trying to account for both. I updated the guessing card to add the types in as well.
Then I finally started to prep my cards for printing on TheGameCrafter and exported the files I needed. I’m getting close to the first official prints!
Then I realized for the font I’m using, it was missing some special characters, so I went ahead and edited the font in FontForge to add some of those. It was a challenge for me since I don’t have a lot of experience with vectors and using the pen tool. Some of them I might have to come back to or do slight edits on to manually draw over names though to fix them up in the end.
Then I started on the rules for the game. I just typed this all out in a Google Doc and decided that the formatting would come later. I just wanted to get all of the text down on paper first.
Then I finally finished my logo! I got some feedback last time and so I made some tweaks and leaned in closer to my inspirations. I’m finally satisfied with how it looks.
I also started concepting the box design digitally. I started with a sketch and then cleaned up the drawings. I really liked how it came out! I added the logo and playing elements to it and the top of the box is officially complete.
I also worked on the back of the box to include more information. I still need to work on updating the contents to be accurate to the final count, but otherwise it’s done! There are a few parts I was waiting on the final card design for as well so it took me a bit to get here.
And then I also started to save out images for all of the other cards. There are going to be 700+ characters in this and I had all of the images collected, I just needed to save them out as transparent PNGs that are lined up and resized to fit the cards. So I did that in a night or two for the majority of the characters.
Then I saved out the first drafts of all ~700 cards using those images. Some of them were missing areas and I had to do some tweaks but I was able to see them all at a glance and know what’s next. It was really satisfying to see them all flood in within a matter of minutes! I love how much time nanDECK is saving me.
Then after triple-checking everything, I officially sent my designs off to print from TheGameCrafter! I’m printing just the first few pieces to make sure they print okay before printing the entire game. Someone on the staff helped me out since I was having a bug where it wasn’t allowing me to proof the files and then they also gave me some tips on removing borders that I forgot I kept in there (as I had been using them just for my prototyping). So it’s officially in!
By the next post (or the one after it), I’ll have the first batch of prints hopefully here with some ideas on anything needed to update for the final version. Hopefully not too many tweaks will come from that. But I’m printing a few versions of any of the cards I’m slightly worried about!
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