Friday, January 21, 2022

CUPdate 17: Eventure Organization & Storyboards

So for this CUPdate, I mostly worked on organizing Eventures, drawing storyboards, and writing out plans for rewriting or writing Eventures.

I started out by organizing a bunch of Eventures, and through that, I was reading the Piko's Concert Eventure and realizing it wasn't very well written, so I wanted to redo it. I read a lot of they Eventures relating to when Kali first shows up and wanted to really improve a lot of parts about her entrance. So I made up some new ideas for rewriting at least the Piko's Concert Eventure and then parts of a few others. While doing this, I sketched out some storyboards for ideas I want to write.

I've kept up my goal of drawing every day so far. Some days it's honestly just a 5 minute doodle, which is completely fine. I decided to make a "Digital Sketchbook" folder so I can just open up the same file each day that I don't have time to make something bigger and treat it like a sketchbook page. My goal is to make a new one of these each month so I can upload those when they're done and not have to worry about actually uploading daily. I don't really care about the posting every day, but since I am drawing these, I wanna share them eventually without the stress of feeling like I have to actually post every day. This way, it'll be more like I just wanna post once a month (and obviously any other more finished drawings in between those). I'm posting this sketchbook page as it is currently, but I'll continue to add to this page in the coming weeks until the end of the month.

Overall, the majority of this time was reading and copy editing a lot of Eventures. I officially imported every Eventure into Google Doc format though, so that's exciting! All I have to do is finish reading through them all so I can add in music and drawings, and then proofread them all. For that proofing pass, I'm already about 50 Eventures in though, so I've been making good progress. I planned out if I proofread about 2 Eventures a day, I can be done with those by mid-March, too. At that point I can focus more on the storyboards and what needs rewrites.

Then I decided to plan some Eventures that I never wrote that were earlier on. I wrote parts of the Sid Eventure and fully planned it out, then I also planned out and wrote the whole Koukon Village Eventure that takes place right after that one as well. Then I drew a bunch of storyboards from the Koukon Village Eventure while the scenes were still fresh in my mind.

And then otherwise I've just been doing various storyboards and sketches of scenes as I'm reading. There aren't a ton of drawing updates this time, but I'm making a lot of progress on organizing Eventures and writing, so that's a big accomplishment!

With the Global Game Jam coming up, I'm sure most of the time for the next post will be dedicated to that, but I do plan to have a separate post for the GGJ. So next time might be lighter outside of that, but the GGJ is always a huge update for me, so I'm excited to share about that after it happens!

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