Friday, April 23, 2021

CUPdates 2: Nays 2084 Preview & Nay Recruiters Game

For this week's CUPdate, I've been working on three projects, so I'm gonna show some of the progress I've made so far on each. A lot was admittedly writing, so if there's not a lot to see, that's why!

*Note: Some of the links in this post are private Google Drive links and only in there for my presentation, you won't have access to these files. I've provided some screenshots to show what's included in these links to give you an idea though!

Nays 2084

I started on this animation back in 2017, but hadn't worked on it since 2019. Well, a few weeks ago I got inspired to start working on it again since it had been a while. At this point, I've spent over 40 hours working on this project, and I still have a lot more to do.

Here's the animatic that I posted 2 years ago, just with the rough storyboards and layouts:

The idea for this is that I wanted to make a trailer for a bunch of events that take place in the year 2084 in The Nays (which is the current year for the most recent parts I'm writing). At this point, about half of this video has already happened, but there are still some moments that I haven't written yet.

This was inspired by my brother's Nays 2008 animation that was made over 10 years ago at this point, but that was always one of my favorite animations that he created.

So I ended up creating a lot of the more finished drawings when I was making the Truth of Yaguzi Eventure, but I didn't do a lot of the animating. Recently I finally composited together a lot of animations that I had drawn and started to realize I was getting closer to finishing this than I had originally thought.

My plan is to finish this animation by the end of this year (maybe by fall if I'm lucky), so I'm hoping that'll happen!

Here's where I'm at in terms of progress so far:

Nay Recruiters Game

Another on-going project that I've been working more on is the Nay Recruiters RPG Maker game. It was originally an MV project that I started back in 2019, but I updated it to an MZ project and have mostly been working on the battle system, GUI, and overall concept plans for how the game works. 

Well, recently, I decided to start working on the sequence of events and overall story. My plan is to make the story basically an abridged, shortened, retelling of my huge The Nays story. In this version, I'm planning to focus on some of the main characters and a lot of the characters that come later will be side optional characters, where their stories will be optional quests that aren't required for the main plot. I really wanna focus the story in more for this game, and it could be a chance to explore rewriting the story without affecting the Eventure structures too much, and it'll be a kind of fresh start. I've narrowed down the opening scene to 3 different ideas, but still trying to figure out which of those to go with.

Then I also started working on style inspiration boards, mainly for the text boxes, and then a bit for character/background art. I'm still kinda all over the place and not quite sure what I wanna do, but the art won't actually be coming for awhile since I need to finish the story and programming main parts first, so that's okay. I might do some style tests in the near future though to try and at least explore some of my options.

The Nays

It's been awhile since I wrote anything for the main storyline of The Nays (since December actually, so I haven't since last year!). Well, last weekend my brother and I wrote the Garlint Eventure, which has been planned for awhile, but never actually written. I also drew some storyboards for the Hot Ice City Eventure that was written a few months back, and turned it into a Google Doc.

Here are the storyboards:

And as a bonus, I also discovered Hero Forge this week (thanks to my friend Anna!) and I decided to make The 6 Main Nays on there:

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