Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Gamishness [Phantasy Star & Pokemon]

Continuing along with this Gamishness activity! This has been a lot of fun, and I'm really enjoying doing this

Not all of these are following the exact pattern I've done, since I did a few of just the character-focus instead of spending time on the whole thing.

I'm getting to some of the better games in 1988. This one is Phantasy Star! I didn't play much of the first one at all, but I got pretty far into the second one. This Eventure is The Gek's Favorite, when some of The Nays get jealous and start revolting against each other.

I drew Kai in the style of Phantasy Star II. I was playing this game a few years back but never got around to finishing it.

More of the Gamishness activity, but with a focus on the character. This one is Spicco in a Pokemon Blue battle.

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