Monday, January 2, 2017

First 2017 Illustration

Annnnnd it's 2017, which means my first illustration of the year is themed around Cipo! 

I decided to make this kind of resemble an illustration mixed with a comic panel. This is based on the scene after Ya Cipo saves The Nays from The Gek in Biggert City. This is during the Searching for Home Eventure.

And now for the process!

I started with some quick layout doodles, setting up my compositions using the rule of thirds. I ended up choosing the last one.

 I cleaned up the sketch a bit more.

Added some text bubbles with quotes that he says.

Drew some clean lines.

Added the base colors, and neatly wrote the text in the bubbles.

 Added in shading to the background.

Added shading to Ya and the text bubbles. 

Created a solid green layer and used Soft Light to unify the colors better. 

 Blurred out elements in the background and parts of Ya to give a clearer focus.

Added in a green fogginess to the bottom, to give it more of an atmosphere.

And then for the final piece, I added some noise and sharpening effects.

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