Sunday, October 18, 2015

Character Development!

Been doing some character drawings for fun when I get the time to. Some of these projects have been attempts to develop my existing character designs a little more.

It's been awhile since I made a finished drawing for myself (other than daily characters), so I put this together. I was testing out some new techniques in this and trying to make it a little more shape-oriented than my usual stuff; using more straight lines, unifying the colors better, etc.

Part of a project that I haven't worked on in awhile. I'm basically drawing my characters in a bunch of different costumes to show how they've changed over time. Grenna is actually one of the characters that I've drawn the least, even though he's in one of the six main. Since Grenna is a lot more proper and serious, I made sure to give him more formal and ornate attire. Also since he was one of the strongest in the beginning, he also wears a lot of armor and protective equipment.

Another part of the above project. This one's one of my main characters, Ralphie! I haven't drawn many different costumes for him until now, so it was fun to pick some clothes for him that fit with his personality, especially for the corresponding moments in the story.

Also did  this little marker doodle of Gojo for fun.

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