Thursday, December 18, 2014

Start of Winter Break!

So I've mostly been recovering from finals this past week. I haven't been doing too much art, so that I can fully recover before diving back into any projects. I've still been trying to keep up with my daily characters though, so that I am still drawing for at least an hour a day. This'll be my slow transition back into art after those two weeks of all-nighters and working on projects for 15+ hours a day.

Shear is a wise old man who lives in Sid's laboratory in Party Sanctuary World. He has a very awkward sense of humor, but knows a vast amount of knowledge. He has the ability to go between the Realm of Magic and the normal world

Blam is Cin's pet bird who follows him everywhere he goes. He has a small body, but a big heart and will do anything he can to help out Cin and his friends.

GrowL is a very outgoing member of the CrY family. Despite his small size, he is actually very powerful and trains Punchy. He is a magic expert who is able to control various elements, and has the ability to awaken elemental abilities within others.

Rasake is a member of the Field Ravens, a resistance group against Death. She is very nice to people, especially those who join the Field Ravens. She is often conflicted in her love life, between Gair and Matoko, which causes the two to create a rivalry. She is also close friends with Trekkon and treats him as a younger brother.

Roger Hom[ey/ie] is a very inexperienced bird-in-training who uses her ears to fly. She takes Hawkin's place at one point, but does not fulfill the role well at all. She is very irresponsible and unorganized. She is a shy creature who does not do well with meeting new people. She is very clumsy and does not really make good first impressions.
(Also I did this for the Weeklies' Scribble Contest!)

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