Wednesday, June 27, 2012

On the Road Back to Digital Art

So this past week I've been trying to get back into doing digital art more often, but I just couldn't feel satisfied with my pieces. So I'm definitely gonna try and do more digital art soon that I can actually be satisfied with. Plus the only sketches I've really been doing are just gesture drawings since I figured that would help me improve on drawing the figure.

"The Link Between Worlds Concepts"
Some landscape studies I did to look at real environments as reference and create my own creative spaces. This is the location known as The Link Between Worlds, that connects all of The Worlds together.

"Rocko Quick Sketch"
Just a quick digital portrait I did of my character, Rocko. Mostly practice to get back into doing digital art.

"Final Pass"
An art trade I did for one of my friends.

"Final Pass Sketch"
Sketch of the above piece.

"Gesture Drawings"
Just some gestures I've been doing daily.