Friday, February 16, 2018

47 Days of Positivity

From now until the end of March I'm going to be doing what I'm calling 47 Days of Positivity (including today and 4/1 - not an April Fool's Day joke, just happens to be that day!). 

Sometimes we might get overwhelmed by negativity on the internet, so I want to dedicate a project to positivity to counter that. Each day I'll be posting something positive, whether it's advice, uplifting words, or just general positive thoughts. Sometimes they might even just be random thoughts involving positive or fun moments from my life. The content will vary, so it'll just be whatever comes to mind for the day!

Until a few years ago, I was stuck with a lot of negative thoughts and environments, so it wasn't until I learned how to turn those into positive situations that things started looking up. I haven't shared this with a whole lot of people, but I think it's important to know that I come from a fairly negative background, so that's why I think spreading positivity is super important. I don't like to see people stuck like how I used to be, so I hope I can brighten someone's day with this little project!

The first drawing to introduce the project!

“People have their bad days, so it’s not right to judge their entire well-being on one experience. Giving someone a second chance can mean a lot.”

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