Tuesday, January 9, 2018

First Concept Sunday: Saku House

Every Sunday I'm planning on dedicating some time to drawing concept art for The Nays! I won't be posting these on Sundays since I'll be drawing them on that day, but here on my blog is where I will be detailing more what went into the process of the concepts.

For the first week, I worked on some background sketches for the Saku household. The family consists of Jaboo, Cassie, and their two kids: Zandra and Gair.

These are the final concept sketches that I made of four areas of their house.

Now for the process!

I started by building their entire house The Sims actually, then used those as reference images to draw from there.

Here's the first floor of the house.

And here's the second floor of the house.

Now I'm gonna detail each of the areas that I sketched.
First up, we have the living space on the first floor:

These are the models from The Sims, where I built their house from scratch.

And then this is the concept I drew based on the reference. I feel like it still needs to be beat up a little more, but this is the starting point at least.

Next is Jaboo and Cassie's bedroom:
Here's The Sims version.

And here's the drawing!

Then Gair's bedroom:
Here's The Sims version.

And here's the drawing!

And finally, Zandra's bedroom:
Here's The Sims version.

And here's the drawing!

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