I was unable to scan anything until recently since I had left my scanner cord back at home. But I've been back at CCAD for my second semester of sophomore year since mid-January. And these 18 credit hours have been keeping me preeetty busy. Five of them are studio classes, two of them being six hour classes. So lots of fun. Since I have so much to upload, I'm going to categorize these by classes to organize it a bit more. My video and photography assignments are not going to be here since those aren't exactly my field of interest.
So enjoy this massive update!
Animation II
This assignment dealt with animating character gestures to a sound animation. I decided to go with the story of Basa allowing Gair to temporarily join the Field Ravens. I had a lot of fun with animating the expressions, especially with Gair towards the end. This was probably my favorite animation to work on thus far, because I felt like I didn't struggle with it as much and I felt like I was able to draw fairly loose with these gestures.
"Basa Micato Model Sheet"
Since I decided to include two characters in my gesture to sound animation, I made a model sheet for Basa. It's not a finished model sheet, but it's enough for me to get down his basic shapes and how to draw him.
Since I decided to include two characters in my gesture to sound animation, I made a model sheet for Basa. It's not a finished model sheet, but it's enough for me to get down his basic shapes and how to draw him.

"Gair and Basa Concept Sketches"
Some quick gestural character sketches I did of both Gair and Basa before animating my gesture to sound animation so that I could get the right feel to it.
"Character Weight Animation"
We had to take a character and animate them picking up a light object and then attempting to pick up a heavy object. So I chose my main character, Gair. He's picking up a light basket of laundry and then attempts to pick up a dryer, but fails.
"Timing of Falling Masses"
Practice tests of falling masses. The animation itself is pretty self-explanatory.
"Ratcliffe Clean-up Exercise"
We basically had to rough out and clean up this short sequence of Ratcliffe from Pocahontas (Although I did not draw the first, ninth, or twenty-first frames, I merely colored those).
"Gair Saku Model Sheet"
My main character, Gair. This is not how he currently looks, but how he looked when he was twelve years old.
Some quick character sketches just experimenting with different shapes of characters. This was what I did when deciding which character to use for my animations.
"Warm-up Gestures"
Some warm-up gestures I did in class of the cartoons we watched.
Intro to Illustration
Final iconic design for a children's book cover: The Lonely Yodeler. I had to tie together Yodeler, Observatory, and Fountain and this is what I came up with.
Thumbnails done for the above project.
Three quick pages of hands in a bunch of different mediums.
A narrative piece that I did involving the words Yodeler, Observatory, and Fountain. This was one of my first times ever using watercolors, so it was a bit of a challenge. The rest of the piece is done in colored pencil.
Rough color study for the above piece.
Color study of a concept using the words soldier, backpack, and cathedral.
Color study of a concept using the words sumo wrestler, package, and elegant sky scraper.
"Narrative Thumbnails"
A bunch of thumbnails done for the above narrative pieces.
Fully rendered value study of an egg and a mug.
First real assignment done for the class. It was basically to tell a narrative using a room with a window, a ball, a floating box, and an object that we were given; in my case, it was an old toy car.
Thumbnails done for the above assignment.
Commercial Figure Drawing
This recent week we began working with ink, which is one of my personal favorite mediums. It was a lot of fun even though it took awhile. The thumbnail practice is below it.
A series of charcoal drawings I did within a class period.
This class began with doing planar structure and really going into detail on how the figure is formed. It's not the most fun process in the world, but it's definitely been helping me understand how to draw the figure a lot better.
So our main assignment in this class is to keep a sketchbook that we draw in daily. We're supposed to do studies focusing on different areas of the figure as well as the figure as a whole, so this is some of what I have so far.
Free Time
Every week, the Animation Student Collective begins their meetings with a sketch group known as Weeklies. I drew these sketches during those sessions.