Friday, April 20, 2018

End of the 47 Days of Positivity

Here are the last two drawings for my positivity project that I finished at the start of April! It was a really fun project, so I hope you enjoyed seeing it progress, too.

Easter marks the end of my 47 Days of Positivity Project! I hope it was helpful to someone out there, but even if it wasn't, I still had a lot of fun with it. Ever since I can remember, helping people had been something that I loved doing, but not always in the most conventional ways. In high school, I found out volunteer work wasn't really my thing, when we were required to do a certain number of service hours, but I still enjoyed helping my classmates understand math problems in Algebra class. It wasn't until I started working on group projects in college or teaching at camp that I realized that's the kind of thing that makes me happy. Being part of a team and teaching people, or lending my knowledge to help better a project. And I’ve loved learning things that I’m interested in, so I can teach even more! But anyway, this project has been kind of a self-reflection, so... Thanks for listening! It means a lot.

“Late night deep conversations. Spilling out your life problems, and helping each other out.”

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