Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Break

This past week was spring break so I ended up getting the chance to draw a lot of stuff.

"J Alphabet Stop Motion"
*ABOVE IS ONLY A PREVIEW IMAGE. Click here to view actual animation.*
My Experimental Animation Class is doing a class project where each student in the class animates two different letters. My first letter was J, so I decided to animate using jelly, to make a jellyfish swimming through an underwater atmosphere.

"X Alphabet Stop Motion"
*ABOVE IS ONLY A PREVIEW IMAGE. Click here to view actual animation.*
My Experimental Animation Class is doing a class project where each student in the class animates two different letters. My second letter was X, so I decided to animate the word xenophobic. It was a bit difficult to figure out what I was going to do for it, so I decided to create my own little storyline using playdough.

"Banner Concepts"
These are just some sketches I did of myself so I could try and make a new banner for my blog, website, etc.

"Ricco Concept"
Ricco is an ex-police officer who looks for excitement. He was once on Snuvy's side until he fell in love with Pixy and decided to join her and the rest of the liars in their quest for the Land of the Liars.

"Cheato[e] Erif Concept"
He is a dog who has a very slang personality due to his life in the city. He enjoys singing even if he isn't all that great at it. He is very carefree and doesn't really have much common sense. Cheato[e] has always been the clown of the liars, and is one of the least liked out of their group, although he does enjoy carrying Cimc on his back.

"Flak Drib Concept"
Flak is a bird that loves to steal. He has a strong bond with his cousin Pixy whom he has been living with ever since he was young. He is very good at being sneaky, which comes very handy. Flak is also very lucky, as things usually go his way.

"Pixy Liat Concept"
Pixy is a very stuck up and manipulative creature who is obsessed with herself. She is usually cold to just about everyone besides Cimc, who she is in love with. Pixy enjoys tormenting her enemies and loves to see them suffer. She is very attached to Cimc, and will do almost anything for him, even though she tries to act cool on the outside. She does not enjoy dealing with anyone but Cimc.

"Cimc Suhc Concept"
He is a creature that lies all the time. He makes lying so natural but also he will try to cheat and lie about things that are obviously false to everyone. He thinks very highly of himself and feels that he is never supposed to lose so always makes fun of people if they're beating him and will often just say that he's winning even if he is not. Cimc can often annoy many people, but he is the leader of the liars.

"Jessie Concept"
Jessie is a girl who is not very talkative, but she follows her group wherever they go. She does not talk out that much unless she is screaming something as a group with her friends. She has strong feelings for Ben, and will follow him wherever he goes.

"Karma Tail Concept"
Karma is a dog that is the strongest member of The Tinies. She is very determined to become strong, which is why she is trained by the ninjas in Tag World. Karma longs to be the strongest person in Biggert City, wanting to challenge and defeat Lupita one day. She is a very determined little dog and is not fazed very much by pain.

"BunBun Concept"
Bunbun is a playful creature who has great confidence in herself. She loves playing video games and is always talking about her friend Bunny. She works best when she is in a forest, and enjoys jumping around on trees.

"Me Alium Concept"
Me is a large alien who is very cautious of his surroundings. He is informative to his cousin Myself as well. He will help his cousin on his quest to drink Juice Man no matter what. Me is a very kindhearted individual who would never hurt anyone.

"Lisha Houston Concept"
Lisha is a very unintelligent young girl who longs to not be stupid. She recognizes her stupidity, even though she somehow is obsessed with herself. Appointing Larry as her rival, she feels that she will beat him in whatever she challenges him to. Lisha wants to someday find a genie so that she can wish to no longer be stupid, because she feels that she will be the best person in the world if that happens.

"Daily Gestures"
Just some more of my daily gesture practices.

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